REMINDER: No School Tomorrow- We look forward to welcoming students back on Tuesday, February 18.2025.
about 14 hours ago, EPSD73
presidents day
East Prairie Community, We wanted to share helpful information with you about the Water Boil Order. The Village of Skokie has developed an FAQ regarding the Water Boil Order for Skokie households. Please use these links for more information. Updates: FAQ: Based on the current information, we are optimistic about having a regular school day on Tuesday. We will let you know if anything changes. -The East Prairie Team
1 day ago, EPSD73
latest update clip art
EMERGENCY CLOSING- At this time, due to the water main break in Skokie, we no longer have functional water and bathrooms. We ask all families to please come and pick up their child(ren) as soon as possible. When you arrive at East Prairie, please go to the atrium, where we will have grade-level stations supported by our staff. We will then get your child from class for a safe and orderly dismissal.
3 days ago, EPSD73
no water
Our kindergarten friends were kind to each other as they celebrated 100 days of kindergarten. Kindergarten students enjoyed 100 days of learning with activities, games, and showing their skills to peers and staff. Join us for PAJAMA DAY tomorrow! #kindnessWEEK
4 days ago, EPSD73
100 days
Reminder! 🎤🎭 Talent show permission forms are due TOMORROW, February 14th. Don’t miss out on your chance to shine and show off your talent, Panthers! 🌟 Turn them in to the main office by the end of the day tomorrow. #talentshow
4 days ago, EPSD73
picture with text that says talent show permission forms are due to the front office by 2/14. Reach out to with questions.
Please join us this evening for our school board meeting. Our meeting begins at 7:00 pm and will be held in the Plotkin Boardroom. Please enter through our circle drive entrance. #boardMEETING
4 days ago, EPSD73
school board meeting clip art
Pink and Red Day was a bundle of color around the building! Students enjoyed kindness activities and reading books on being kind to each other. Join us tomorrow as the fun continues, and WEAR A HOODIE! #kindnessWEEK
5 days ago, EPSD73
pink and red pictures
We kicked off kindness week with a FUN Mix & Match day! Join us tomorrow for our "Dress up as your role model" (dress up as someone you look up to). #kindnessWEEK
6 days ago, EPSD73
mix and match picture
Student Council has created a week of KINDNESS! Join us for a fun week filled with love, kind acts, and opportunities to uplift one another. Dress-up days are to add to our fun week ahead.
8 days ago, EPSD73
kindness week schedule
Thank you to our middle school students who hosted our Pre-K kiddos for Yoga class this week. Pre-K students learned how to practice different yoga poses and mindfulness with their middle school buddies. Thank you, Ms. DeCamp, for teaching these classes and helping us create a space for good health, a positive mindset, and reducing stress.
10 days ago, EPSD73
yoga pictures
Family Art Night (part #1) is TONIGHT at 6:30 pm! Join us for this fun evening at EPS as we create masterpieces with our families and friends. #ARTnight
11 days ago, EPSD73
art night reminder
100 DAYS SMARTER! Today was our 100th day of school for our 1st-8th graders. Students enjoyed collaborating with other grades and sharing different fun learning activities. #100days
12 days ago, EPSD73
100 day smarter pictures
Music to our ears! Join our 8th-grade band students from East Prairie School, who will play in a concert at Niles North High School TONIGHT. Students will perform with other 8th-grade students from our neighboring Skokie schools and the Niles North High School band. The Concert begins at 7 pm in the Niles North High School Auditorium. This performance is FREE.
12 days ago, EPSD73
band concert clip art
Our next virtual PTA Social will be TONIGHT, Tuesday, February 4th, at 7:00 PM. The meeting link was sent to all families via email.
13 days ago, EPSD73
PTA virtual meeting clip art
STAFF SPOTLIGHT! This week, we spotlight an incredible member of our EPS family, Mrs Hayes. Mrs Hayes has been a part of our EPS family for many years, and her commitment to caring for others is evident in everything she does. Thank you for being an exceptional role model for kids and adults alike! We truly appreciate all you do! #staffSPOTLIGHT
14 days ago, EPSD73
picture of staff member
Save the date! Thursday, February 6th, 6:00 PM -7:00 PM. Please join us in coming together and creating a piece of art that shows how we are all interconnected.
15 days ago, EPSD73
family art night flyer
Middle School students spend time every day supporting and helping our young learners. Thank you to ALL our middle school helpers for all you do to support our EPS community.
17 days ago, EPSD73
middle school
Thank you to our Cheer Coach, Ms Spedale, and our cheerleaders for ensuring every EPS game is full of team spirit and fun.
18 days ago, EPSD73
cheer team picture
Earlier this month, our staff participated in a series of staff-led presentations, where teachers shared valuable strategies, tools, and techniques to enhance student learning. A big thank you to everyone who led and attended these sessions—we’re stronger when we learn together!
19 days ago, EPSD73
teacher playing ukulele
Our 6th graders worked on vocabulary word sorts in small teams. This helps students improve their vocabulary and categorization skills and learn to organize concepts.
21 days ago, EPSD73
middle school pictures